What is „Better Oblivion Community Center“?

„BOCC“ is a collaboration project between indie greats Conor Oberst and Phoebe Bridgers


Both Conor Oberst and Phoebe Bridgers have been hinting at a thing called „Better Oblivion Community Center“. Rumours are, it’s a collaboration project of the two indie singer-songwriters. They have been on tour together before, and Oberst even appeared on Bridgers‘ track „Would You Rather“ on her record „Stranger in the alps“. They are also supposed to appear tonight on Colberts Late Show, as Pitchfork reported.

We’ll keep you updated on that matter and will post videos in this article.

NEWS: The record is out and you can listen to it here!

Here’s the band’s debut video:

See our session with Conor alongside Taylor Goldsmith from Dawes and First Aid Kit below:

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